Rubber joint manufacturers


Rubber joint manufacturers


Rubber joint manufacturers


Rubber joint manufacturers


At Inseca we are aware that our products play a decisive role in the security of many companies. That is why we have invested our efforts into being able to offer the highest level of quality to our clients, and we are the best rubber joint manufacturers in the sector.

Quality that is possible thanks to the advanced technology supported by our manufacturing process, which translates into the maximum guarantee of results. Quality that is consistent in each and every one of our products, as attested by the certificates that back us up. Quality, in summary, that translates into the capacity for maximum results.

An incentive has been received from the Andalusian Innovation and Development Agency IDEA, of the Junta de Andalucía, for an amount of € 33.056,47, 80% co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF to carry out the project “Acquisition of a rubber injector and other equipment to improve competitiveness” with the aim of achieving a more competitive business fabric.